Celebrate Casual Day with Progression

Progression encourages all South Africans to celebrate diversity with persons with disabilities this Casual Day – Friday 1 September 2017.

Casual Day was launched in 1995 as an awareness and fundraising project benefiting persons with disabilities. A key goal of Casual Day is to build a society that not only embraces diversity but actively celebrates it.

By supporting Casual Day, you are supporting persons with disabilities, an important and often overlooked part of our society. Among other things, Casual Day encourages the public to contribute financially through a small donation of R10 for a sticker, and at the same time lobbies for the full integration of persons with disabilities into mainstream society.

Since the Casual Day Campaign was launched, it has raised over R200 million which is distributed among the project’s national beneficiaries.

The theme for this year’s Casual Day is “celebrate diversity with persons with disabilities”. This theme gives you the chance to showcase who you really are and what you celebrate most. Your national dress? Your favourite soccer team? Your fabulous stylish sense of fashion? The trick is to do it all with a splash of green to remind us of summer grass, positive growth, hope, fun and enjoying who we all are.

How to participate:

There are many ways in which organisations can take part in the upcoming Casual Day.

1. Purchase stickers at R10 each on the Casual Day Website or at the various participating stores.

2. Dress up for the occasion

Dress up this Casual Day to showcase your uniqueness in something green. Make sure to visit the Casual Day website for great ideas and check out some of the Casual Day- themed apparel for sale.

3. Take a group photo

Remember to snap a shot of your team on Casual Day and upload photographs on to your social media sites.

It is important to remember that underlying all the fun is the main objective of Casual Day –  to raise awareness of people with disabilities. Let’s celebrate our diversity!

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