Learner success story – Thibaribane Kedinetse

We wrapped up 2023 with yet another inspiring learner success story.

Thibaribane Kedinetse (or TK, as she is known to her colleagues) made us all super proud when she was appointed as a permanent employee at Multotec in November 2023, even before completing her first learnership!

Although TK had some previous experience working in various short-term jobs and intern positions, she had never tried a learnership before joining Multotec. In February 2023, she was selected for a Business Administration learnership and was placed as an Admin Clerk learner in Multotec’s Export Department.

At first TK was quite shy and a little afraid to ask questions, however her eagerness and appetite to learn and take on more responsibility helped to build her confidence. The motivation provided by being placed in a professional work environment and gaining relevant experience was immeasurable and enhanced her determination to succeed. “I always want to complete what I start because I’m not a quitter and waking up every day and going to work motivated me a lot!” explains TK.

When TK initially started on the learnership, the intention was mainly to teach her how to update the company’s Vatrax system to fulfil a compliance function that was needed in the department. However, according to her mentor and Export Manager, Jannice McNeil, she picked things up very quickly and was soon looking for something else to do. So, they moved on to teach her the next task, and the next, until she had covered her full job description.

“TK is such a pleasure to have in the office,” explains Jannice. “She is extremely efficient and neat in her work and is always up to date, which takes a lot of pressure off other staff members’ shoulders too.” Thanks to TK’s reliability and efficiency, her fellow team members’ key performance measurements are also looking good, and they are all very appreciative of this. It’s no wonder that Multotec didn’t want to lose her and offered her a permanent job while she is still in the process of completing her learnership. Jannice confirms, “We could not help but want to keep her with us, she basically walked herself into this job!”

But it’s not only her mentor that provides glowing reviews on TK – her excellent work ethic coupled with her friendly and helpful nature have earned the admiration of her team mates as well. One colleague affirms, “TK faces any challenges in front of her with a positive attitude. She is innovative and a great team player.”

Another team member goes on to say, “I am truly impressed with how she has managed to meet every goal set before her. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a tremendous asset to this team.” TK has clearly won over the team and undoubtedly proven herself in her short time at the company. In a comment that perhaps best sums up how everyone at Multotec feels about TK, one of the other managers expressed to Jannice, “You are so lucky to have her in your team!”

Well done to TK for demonstrating that hard work, determination and a positive attitude can pay off generously. And a big thank you once again to Multotec for their ongoing commitment to skills development and transformation in South Africa.

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