Progression Re-Imagined

From the time Progression was registered as a business, its sole purpose was to create and enable transformation. The realisation that waiting for Government to lead the way was not a sustainable approach towards effecting positive change became all too clear and hence, the brand was born.

The Progression brand was introduced as a solution to address the growing challenges faced by unemployed youth in South Africa, specifically people with disabilities. 18 years later, our programmes have benefited many individuals and families, a testament to the fact that Progression exists to create solutions which facilitate real transformation in people’s lives.

Progression - Transformation EnablersIn the 18 years of Progression’s journey, the company has experienced many shifts and changes, all while maintaining the focus on our “WHY”. Progression continues to serve individuals and companies with the original offerings we began with 18 years ago, however with a number of powerful new additions. We have been re-engineering our methodologies and streamlining our services to meet the needs of our clients as well as the ever-changing environment we find ourselves in.

Progression has recently been accredited as a training provider and also enhanced our Skills Development offerings to include a range of face-to-face, online and blended training solutions. In addition, our innovative enterprise development initiatives as well as our community-based SED programmes are crafted with sustainability in mind to facilitate empowerment and create opportunities that allow individuals to truly improve their lives. We design programmes that focus on skills transfer and creating employment opportunities in order to generate broader long term economic growth for all

Progression’s ability to adapt is a formidable strength which has stood us in good stead through economic, political and legislative changes. The company’s new identity represents an adaptation and response towards these shift while keeping the brand’s essence of “Enabling Transformation”.

Progression - Transformation EnablersWith the current world-wide pandemic, COVID-19 has exposed the fault lines in society and highlighted just how unequal South Africa (and the world) is. Now is the time for all of us to start making real changes to bring about a more equitable and just society – which speaks directly to Progression’s core values and focus.

Progression invites corporations to join us in making a real difference in the lives of those who need it the most – the unemployed and disenfranchised, our fellow citizens who yearn to participate in our economy and build our nation but have been denied this opportunity for so long.

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